Thursday, January 06, 2005

Long time no post

I know, I know - I've been MIA since before the holidays. There's a snow/sleet/freezing rain storm building up outside so it's a good day to get back to blogging.

Well, the county's looking for somebody to catalog their local history collection in the county historian's office - what a rabbit warren! Four rooms on the 3rd floor of the old Post Office - must be hotter than blazes in the summer - with books, spiral notebooks, slide collections, pamphlets everywhere. They've got an old card catalog but everything's filed by title, no cross references, no subject headings. I don't think they realize that a lot of these titles are already cataloged in the state library colllection. They have one computer (with MS Office 2000), a couple of ancient microfilm readers and, presumably, a typewriter for the volunteer secretary. The ladies working there (all part time - no benefits, no vacation time, just trade-off time) know where things are, sort of, but it's an appalling-looking office.

They need a whole other space than where they've been stuck - one large room for all the papers and books, a processing room for donations, updating records, etc., and a breakroom for staff. I have no idea if the photos are kept in lignin envelopes, though I doubt it. Archival preservation doesn't seem to be the norm. It's certainly not climate-controlled, pamphlets slouch on shelves propped up between hardcovers. And she mentioned there are things stored in the basement as well! They could use a scanner, a second computer with cataloging software, lignin envelopes and boxes.... Sigh. Where to start? I wonder if they ever apply for grant monies? The county certainly isn't putting any money into the place.


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